Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Workers Flag

I thought I would start off this blog of our family videos with the classic of our three children singing the Workers Flag. Sometimes at night, when I am too tired to sing the lullabies (I just do a basic little Brahms number, usually ;-) , Ben sings the children this song.

After a short period of confusion wherein Oliver referred to it as the Red Kite and all kinds of other titles, they picked up the words, and could sing it really well. This is them doing exactly that.

Charlotte was 7, Oliver 5, and Annie two and a half.


Ben said...

Great first post!
*proud dad*

John L said...

Nothing like brain-washing the kids. Educate them while they're young. I know a Nanna who would be proud. And a great-grandmother too I guess.

Jane said...

I think this is wonderful! I am so proud. I must have done something right!!!