Thursday, March 3, 2011

Annie reading her first 'chapter book'

The book is called Saving Moonbeam, and it is about a girl losing her horse, and then finding another that needs taking care of. X

Charlotte's new gadget!

We agreed a long time ago that Charlotte could get a sewing machine for her 12th birthday... what we couldn't believe was how soon that date came around. So, true to our word we delivered her an awesome Brother Sewing Machine. She wasted no time in getting in there... and has made two skirts already.

I really want a turn, but I don't think she is going to get off there any time soon :-) Probably a good thing, as I had to cheat and get some poor student to thread my bobbin for me in Grade Eight so that I could pass Home Ec. Not my forte, but I am still willing to try again!