Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Annie on the swing :-)

I filmed this because I think it is a beautiful thing to watch little kids on a swing, and time goes so fast that I always wanted to remember Annie-Rose when she was still little and still liked to go on the swing :-)

Baking Brownies or similar ;-)

Here are my kids baking stuff. They are pretty damn good.

Ollie on Double Bass

Oliver's work on his double bass started out reluctantly, but has improved heaps since I put his CD accompaniment on my Itunes and he practices next to me while I am at the computer. He is doing great and now LOVES to practice. Quite a turn around. He will be the next John Butler. No doubt about that ;-)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

More of Mark X

The Eels, The Tivoli, Brissy, 2010

The Eels are a band that I have been a big fan of since the mid 90s. I love Mark Oliver Everett - he is just such a gifted song-writer. We finally saw them live for the first time last night. I was INCREDIBLE. I LOVED every minute of them being on stage. He was so engaging and so fun, and really moving as well. They really ripped up some songs and the energy levels were crazy high, but then they did some of their sad songs as well. They were beautiful and it as SUCH a good night out.

Annie_Rose C-C


Charlotte's beautiful piano playing - Move over, Megan ;-)

It is winter, and Charlotte has been learning the piano for about 5 months or so. By coincidence, her teacher, Rebecca Davies is in my class at the University. Rebecca is in a few bands and is a talented player and teacher. Charlotte is picking things up very quickly and loves to play. She practices on a piano keyboard that was mine when I was about eight or nine :-) We thought this was a daggy practice instrument until we saw Megan Washington - v cool up and coming singer use it in her film clip, for her gorgeous song How to Tame Lions

Annie reading her poem

Annie has to learn a poem each week in school. This is her reading the latest one :-)